Freeport Adventures

The on-going adventures of the crew of the Lady's Favour as presented by Dirty Jee-to, quartermaster.

Friday, November 19, 2004

Log the Nineteenth

We must have crossed some higher being who is now spending their time figuring out ways to make our lives difficult. There be no other explanation for the grief that we be going through these last few hours.

We managed to escape from the wrath of Moab and made it all the way back to the jolly boat without incident. As we be rowing out towards the ship we start to see a few more scars on her hull than were there last time. Peering across the water it seems that one of the orcs is on look out duty and that there be a decided lack of pink skins on deck. When we finally come aboard the ship looks like she been through hell...again. Cargo scattered across the deck, wounded crew lying about and various bit of rigging smoking in the light. After a few moments Drak is summoned on deck and starts to tell us the tale. It took me a moment to recognize the fella, seeing as how he seemed to be decked out in Carthy's old cloths. Starting to look more and more like the captain, this orc is.

So the long and the short of it is that through some other worldly dealings, the Kraken's claw and the evil wench, Captain Bowman done made it through Hell's triangle as well. And they was none too happy with us. The crew gave a fine reckoning, and the last they saw the claw, she was limping into open waters. Seems that they would have given chase, but their concern for us kept them at anchor. Not much else that we could do, so we spent some time resting up and tending to the wounded.

When the light of day broke, I should have seen that something was wrong. The day itself went by with little excitement. A few magic items were completed, some crew healed and the ship generally made as ready as possible. I even managed to contact Harrimast himself, in hopes of gettin some helpful information about how best to defeat the bastard Moab. Although I done get a response, it seems that Harrimast had been celebrating too much the night before and I couldn't make bow nor stern of his riddle. Hopefully it will all become clear at some point. As night crept upon us and we was discussing the message, the ship was suddenly bathed in a strange glow and there were cries from the deck. By the time that I arrived on deck all I could see was a mess of webs and some strange portal hovering above the deck. I could hear Mistress yelping for help somewhere in there, so I done rush in and tried to help her out. When I got there I seen some strange mutant pullin her towards the portal and a few others pulling some crew away as well. I laid a good hit on the creature, but he kept his grip and Mistress disappeared into the portal. One of them other creatures dropped a crew man and tried to grab ahold of me, but Harrimast protects his own and the creature had to run to the portal empty handed. And then, as soon as it had begun it was over. We headed back to the captains quarters and beheld a vision of Moab. He started to taunt us and threatened to eat all of the captives if we wasn't standing before him come the dawn. As he disappeared he left us a reminder of just how much power he done wield as a storm of ice and hail crashed down to the deck. twas easy to fix up, but it was clear that if we stayed here we was putting everyone at risk. So we loaded into the boat and headed back towards the island. The crew is putting out to sea and will return in a day to see if we still be alive.

Once again, we make the long trek back towards the caverns and eventually find an appropriate spot to bed down for the night. However, it seems that Moab is one who favors incentive over free will. We was awakened by a hideous roar and I come to to see bits of Kemby flying all over the room. Best I could figure is that one of them mutants was invisible and cutting him to ribbons. And seems that the bastards liked me flesh as well, although I gets away with less scratches. And it seemed that Drak has started to earn his keep. Although I had argued that he shouldn't be leaving the ship, I was glad that no one listened to me. Drak got the creature between him and Kemby and they cut the beast to ribbons in a heartbeat. When it finally came visible it looked like it was some sort of tongue turned inside out with too many arms.

And, as expected, Moab made another appearance. Now I don't know what mayor he was referring to, but I don't be thinking that he want to know what his daughter gots turned into. We moved down the tunnel and tried to get a bit more sleep.

I can't be saying that it was a good rest, but it done us enough good to get us up and moving. We started getting closer to Moab and our vengeance.
But he still had one trick for us.
We was coming up on the transformation room and couldn't hear nothing from inside. So we looked in and saw us another reason to be killing the bastard.

Some huge, green blob of flesh was laid out on one of the tables. I could call it a frog and me brain will thank me for remembering it that way during those long dark nights. As we moved closer, it turned a bit and a face became visible. A face that had a striking likeness of Spacko. It's mouth opened and it croaked out a single word..."drak" and then seemed to pass on.

This be one time when I hope that the tales of hell be actually true, so that Moab be gettin what be coming to him. And we be the ones that be sending him on his way.

Jee-to, quartermaster, Lady's Favour


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