Freeport Adventures

The on-going adventures of the crew of the Lady's Favour as presented by Dirty Jee-to, quartermaster.

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Log the Twentieth

'Twould seem that Drak has not yet managed to conquer that famous orc rage. As we stood, gaping at what Moab had transformed Spacko into, Drak leapt forward and brought his axe down upon what passed for the head of the monstrosity. I'm sure that Spacko would have been happier to be killed by his lord than to spend life as whatever that was.

As soon as we had recovered enough to channel our rage a flurry of spell casting began. I poured so much of Harrimast's blessings into everyone that I wasn't sure I'd be able to summon anything else forth for many a day. With a swift boot, we opened the door and went searching for Moab. We knew that there be at least three rooms before us and maybe more that we ain't yet seen, although we was hoping that he be waiting in his bed fore us. Twasn't the case. A quick look into two of the rooms showed them damned clay giants protecting doors and waiting for something, so we was forced to head back towards his bedroom and that enspelled hidden door.

Now, normally I say that Lucky could spot anything, but he must have had a spot of Spacko's blood in his eyes today. No other way to explain it. He went a strindin' up and flipped open the door and a quick flash later and he was enveloped by that damned cage of force. Not even enough space to squeeze out of. Well, we was truly stuck now, but I still had a trick or two up me sleeve. Harrimast blessed me with the ability to dig through them walls, and that's just what I started doing that day. I plowed past the force cage and went looking for Moab himself....too bad that the coward wasn't manly enough to face us himself. I just managed to break through a thin wall and done spied the welcoming committee that was awaiting us. I recognized Moab and his dark elf flunky, but where the others come from I have no idea. It was almost like he went on a recruiting drive and gathered every living soul that was loyal to him and brought them to this room. There was fully a dozen of some of the most muscled looking guards I ever seen, plus some other wizard type and a glowing albino that done resemble Mistress in too many ways. 'Twas good to see her alive, although the green glow of evil and bone whiteness of his skin was none too good of a sign for us. Although the chain that she was on gave me a bit of hope that we had not lost her

How best to describe the massacre that followed? How to describe the chaos that accompanies every battle?
I know not any good way. I can say that I hope to remain on captain Bonny's good side, for getting roasted by some of his fire spells be a mean way to cross over. All them guards done find that out the hard way. Kemby was a killing machine that day. Once the captain made him lighter than air and he started floating up to hack off pieces of Moab our spirits soared...until Moab wiped out so many of our magics with a simple wave of his hand. But that just caused Kemby to switch targets and the drow and the wizard fell before him faster than a cheap whore flops on her back.

Drak made a great show of himself, battling the guards and the two little dwarven torturers who tried to sneak in behind us. Although he took one too many hits and the fight seemed slip out of him. He looked too tired to care about much, although he was still itching to get into the fight.

The captain was throwin' around as many spells as he could. I don't know how we would have dealt with all them guards without his skill. And trapping Moab behind a great wall of fire was a brilliant move...too bad the bastard can move himself through that enchanted spyglass as well. For my part, I was leading the charge, through the walls and all and I was laying a beating on whoever come close. And once them guards was all dead, I was on Moab like green on an orc. I think that I must have been scaring him since he started running and slipped past us into a secret corridor before we could finish him off.

And Mistress....what a storm of emotion she done bring to mind. We was crushed when Moab stole her away. Hope filled us when we done see her again, but fear come seeping in when we seen what she now look like. And when she turned on Moab and started hacking his minions to pieces and putting crossbow bolts into their backs...well, that brought a smile to our faces. And I did not shed a tear when Moab struck her down...but only because of the fear of getting killed. But perhaps it is better this way...whatever evil had infected her body was washed from her soul by her actions today. She crosses over to Harrimast with a clean soul and the souls of her enemies behind her.

Our lose be Harrimast's, a new bosun be piping aboard his ship....
And Moab was not out of our reach just yet....

Jee-to, quartermaster, Lady's Favour


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