Freeport Adventures

The on-going adventures of the crew of the Lady's Favour as presented by Dirty Jee-to, quartermaster.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Log the Twenty-first

Mistress had fallen to the bastard undead Moab, who had fled further into his compound through another secret door. Still blessed with my great burrowing power, I managed to rush through the walls and ended up stepping out beside the bag of bones. The bastard evaded me blows, but Kemby was a step behind me and started cutting parts of him off with nary an effort.

We could see that the captain had circled around behind us all and was launch his hellbolts at the bastard. Which must have caught his attention since Moab waved his boney little fingers and teleported himself to the other side of the captain. With his golem bearing down on us, Kemby and I rushed into the room and tried to corner the bastard. And he managed to surprise us again....when we enter this room we could see 2 strange things. There was a gnome riding a fox, trapped in some sort of glass block in the middle of the room. And a huge silver portal that seemed to be the trap for a devil made of ice. We couldn't hear any of the sounds that the gnome was making, but the devil started demanding that we set him free. As the captain took a few seconds to converse with him, Kemby rushed at Moab again. His blade flashed in the light more times that I could follow and Moab collapsed to the floor...followed a heartbeat later by Kemby. His wounds finally overcame his hatred and brought him low.

Drak came rushing in seconds later and snatched up Moab's spyglass, claiming that he knew how it worked. He extended it and moved some bits around and produced a flash of light that faded to show Drak passed out on the floor. I moved in, pocketed the spyglass and quickly looted Moab's newly desecrated corpse. The captain had finished his talks with the devil, sealed the pact and let him loose. And none too later either, for one of the damned golems had moved into the room, carrying some huge magical stone. The devil tore him into pieces in seconds and then vanished. We could hear sounds of fighting coming from some other room, hopefully he was hacking the other golem to pieces as well.

I was checking on Drak when I hear the devil laugh loudly and then there was an explosion from the other room and the whole place started shaking around us. Bits of the roof started falling down and we could see little jets of water spraying through some walls. Seems that the death of Moab, or some evil trick by the devil had caused the place to start falling apart. Course it also managed to release the little gnome lady and her fox, but I wasn't about to stick around and have tea and crumpets while the place went to hell. I grabbed up Drak and the lifeless form of Kemby, wished the gnome well and gathered some magic around me. I could feel Lucky through the voo-doo doll and I pulled all of us through some dimension and out on the surface. I was sure that I could see hordes of riches sitting and waiting in the unexplored rooms as we traveled past them, but we was alive and that was more important than any amount of gold. We had a few worried minutes as we watched the waters in the lake churn and spin. But soon enough the captain, ohgosh and the little gnome appeared in the cave, wet but alive.

Things quieted down a lot after that. Turns out that the gnome's name is alice and she is looking to join the crew. Although she must have taken a hit on the head, since she claims that it's actually her fox that wants to be a pirate, but I ain't never heard of no talkin' fox, so maybe she'll come to her senses in a while. She was damn useful with her magic, seems that she got some sort of druidic powers. She sat down next to Kemby and done some chanting and such and we could see the wounds on him starting to heal slowly. Twas a bit weird to watch, especially when his ears started growing and he ended up looking a lot more like an elf than he ever did before. Must be that reincarnation stuff that I heard about ways back.

And we finally got to have us a proper ceremony to say our goodbyes to Mistress, posey and the rest of the crew that had passed onto serve with Harrimast. 'Twas a touching ceremony if I do say.

It took us a few days more to finally get the new mast in place and fix the last of the leaks on the ship. Damn fine ship, this Lady's Favour. She been taking more of a beatin' than I ever though possible.

So now we got 2 of the 5 artifacts that we need to be escaping this strange realm. Let's hope that Black Jenny be more willing to part with her trinket than Moab was.

Jee-to, quartermaster, Lady's Favour


Blogger groodude said...

Testing the comments on this page.

Why am I the only one that posts any comments? Am I the only one that reads my great works? Am I not insulting the other characters enough?


Saturday, August 13, 2005 10:25:00 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too polite by far, they be. The only comments that spring to mind, asides from Jee-to's truly awe-inspirin' misspelling and complete lack of wotchermercallit punctuation, is that the punters miss the poetic ballet of the good Cap'ns literary stylin's. But alas! The Cap'n's a busy elf, what with inspectin' the grub, quality control o' the grog rations, and interrogatin' the female prisoners. P'raps in a couple o' centuries, I'll take some time out to scribe me reminisces, for the eddification o' the payin' public.

Wot's that then? Cannot wait that long? Well, ye oughtn't a been born a shorttimer, then. Don't worry, faithful readers. Good Cap'n Bonny'll entertain the grandsons with tales, and provide the granddaughters with warm company, ne'er you fear.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005 3:10:00 p.m.  

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