Freeport Adventures

The on-going adventures of the crew of the Lady's Favour as presented by Dirty Jee-to, quartermaster.

Monday, December 20, 2004

Ship's Treasure Cove

The officers of the Lady's Favour currently have a hidden cove of treasure that consists of;

3 golden wine goblets, each worth 25 gp, taken from Captain Bowman's personal stash (75)
a golden dragon comb with red garnet eyes, worth 1400 gp, taken from Captain Bowman's personal stash. (1400)
a solid gold idol, worth 600 gp, taken from Captain Bowman's den (600)
a brass mug with Jade inlay, worth 600 gp, taken from Captain Bowman's den (600)
a sapphire pendany on a gold chain, worth 1900 gp, taken from Captain Bowman's personal stash (1900)
a bag of assorted loot, worth 400 gp, taken from the dining room in Bowman's drug den (400)
3 gold nuggets, each worth 10 gp, taken from cultists fleeing in a coach (30)
a suit of magical leather armor (+1), worth 1185 gp (1185)
6 magical daggers (each +1), each worth 2302 gp (13812)

The grand total of this retirement fund is 20,002 gp.


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