Log the Ninth
Twas a difficult bit of work gettin' the touch of Drak off of me soul. His touch had chilled me soul so much that I could help but not spout foul sayings at everyone. 'twould have been much easier if old peg leg didn't force himself to participate in ever damn religious celebration in the city. When we found the good captain, he was 6 sheets to the wind and could barely remember what his name was, never mind how to cast spells. Luckily for me, my many hours of study in the church helped me along and the chill was soon lifted from me soul.
We was back at the ship and I started pulling bits of Drak soul from his cloths and tied them back to the souls of his ancestors a thousand generations back. We had our secret weapon!
Now if only little Al could be a bit more secretive. We was getting ready for a pre-dawn rowing trip when we started to notice a strange glow coming from the goblin's workshop and hear the chill moan of the undead sneaking from beneath his door. Mistress was in the room like a snake, trying to figure out what was up. Lucky was close behind and they kept trying to figure out why the lab was coated in frost and a strange glowing cloud seemed to hover about the room. Now little Al has a bit of trouble talking at time and perhaps that be the cause of the problem. Lucky seemed to be protecting the little fella when he started swinging away at the ghostly cloud, but seemed that his luck had run out for the day. His blade nicked a bit of glass and everything came crashing down. I aint never seen a goblin run so fast, he was damn near off the ship before all them strange chemicals went off. Luckily the lab didn't take too much damage, but I don't know how happy the crew was, what with the green ooze that spilled over the deck. It must have been a trick of the moon, but I was sure that I saw many a face staring back at me from that
We was soon off to the hulk, cloaked in mist, putting spells into Drak. It took us some time to convince him that we wasn't strange ghosts from beyond the grave and that he was still alive. Once everything was ship-shape, the captain whipped out that scroll and done turn the boy into a cloud of fog. And sure enough, he floated out of the hulk and right into our boat. And then it took us even more convincing to get him to think of us as real people and not ghosts come to take him away. I think the bloody nose that I gave him was a step in the right direction. Now, being the devious bastard that he is, the captain arranged for Spacko to head off the ship to gather Drak's things. Spacko was barely off the deck when we threw sail and pulled from the dock. We was soon coming back however. We was right in our thinking; Drak had hide the sextant on himself, although decency prevents me from mentioning where. But the poor fool has no speck of idea on how to use the damn thing. So we turned back towards Freeport in hopes that we could get old Carthy to help us unlock the secrets. This also gave us the chance to freshen our supplies and arrange for us to find a new home for Bowman's captive crewmen. And if things work out well, there might even be a small reward for us finding them a new ship.
Now, I'm quite convinced that someone on the crew has angered Harrimast and that we is all paying for it. It seems that for ever step we take towards the treasure we end up taking two back. We had just finished making arrangements for the supplies when we spy the captain talking with some snotty cleric type by the name of Fezzywig. Little bastard was giving them some info and bleeding their purses dry at the same time. But the captain was looking for some backup; seems that there was some sort of trouble happened over at Carthy's place.
When we all get there, you could feel that something was different right away. The smell of the sea was gone and the whole house looked darker. Harrimast's blessing had fallen from the place. Kemby heads out back and I take up a watch out front while the rest start heading through the house looking for clues. I only got me a glance inside, but it seemed that someone had tried to redecorate the place with the insides of the guards. From what I was hearing from the others, the rest of the house was the same; everything smashed or taken and signs of the cult of Yarash infecting the entire place. But it seemed that we had missed what happened and that Carthy was now sailing with Harrimast.
I was listening to Kemby try and catch one of them damn fancy birds when he starts screaming for help. At first I thought that the damn bird done bit him, but the crossbow bolt stickin' out of his back changed me mind pretty quick.
We all come running and we could see a pair of bow men coming out of hiding. One of them was balanced on the roof and was taking aim at Lucky. How that boy done end up on the roof so fast was a mystery to me; he must be part monkey. I sent some magic towards the other bowman and once it took hold Kemby separated the fools head from his body. 'Bout this time three more of these cultists come out of the bushes, throwing magic all around. The captains' new friend, OhGosh the ogre, started laying into them cultists, right up until he stopped moving. Seems that their magic is stronger than we expected. Kemby came running in to help OhGosh and I managed to roll around one of the bastards and give him a few nicks. I could see that Lucky had finished off the roof climber and we was circling around the spell-slingers when we hear someone ordering them back to the carriage. Some buzzard faced bastard was screaming that they had found Carthy and didn't need us, so they bolted for the coach. Them bastards is slippery; we gave them a few cuts on the way out, but they just refused to lay down and die. Soon as the last one touched the coach, it was away.
We started giving chase, but no man is going to outrun a coach. But then fortune smiled on us. Seemed that some young noble men had been out for a night on the town and forgotten to tie up their mounts. Five fast horses was standing just a breath away from us, all saddled and ready to go.
It seems that the chase was on...
Jee-to, quartermaster, Lady's Favour
We was back at the ship and I started pulling bits of Drak soul from his cloths and tied them back to the souls of his ancestors a thousand generations back. We had our secret weapon!
Now if only little Al could be a bit more secretive. We was getting ready for a pre-dawn rowing trip when we started to notice a strange glow coming from the goblin's workshop and hear the chill moan of the undead sneaking from beneath his door. Mistress was in the room like a snake, trying to figure out what was up. Lucky was close behind and they kept trying to figure out why the lab was coated in frost and a strange glowing cloud seemed to hover about the room. Now little Al has a bit of trouble talking at time and perhaps that be the cause of the problem. Lucky seemed to be protecting the little fella when he started swinging away at the ghostly cloud, but seemed that his luck had run out for the day. His blade nicked a bit of glass and everything came crashing down. I aint never seen a goblin run so fast, he was damn near off the ship before all them strange chemicals went off. Luckily the lab didn't take too much damage, but I don't know how happy the crew was, what with the green ooze that spilled over the deck. It must have been a trick of the moon, but I was sure that I saw many a face staring back at me from that
We was soon off to the hulk, cloaked in mist, putting spells into Drak. It took us some time to convince him that we wasn't strange ghosts from beyond the grave and that he was still alive. Once everything was ship-shape, the captain whipped out that scroll and done turn the boy into a cloud of fog. And sure enough, he floated out of the hulk and right into our boat. And then it took us even more convincing to get him to think of us as real people and not ghosts come to take him away. I think the bloody nose that I gave him was a step in the right direction. Now, being the devious bastard that he is, the captain arranged for Spacko to head off the ship to gather Drak's things. Spacko was barely off the deck when we threw sail and pulled from the dock. We was soon coming back however. We was right in our thinking; Drak had hide the sextant on himself, although decency prevents me from mentioning where. But the poor fool has no speck of idea on how to use the damn thing. So we turned back towards Freeport in hopes that we could get old Carthy to help us unlock the secrets. This also gave us the chance to freshen our supplies and arrange for us to find a new home for Bowman's captive crewmen. And if things work out well, there might even be a small reward for us finding them a new ship.
Now, I'm quite convinced that someone on the crew has angered Harrimast and that we is all paying for it. It seems that for ever step we take towards the treasure we end up taking two back. We had just finished making arrangements for the supplies when we spy the captain talking with some snotty cleric type by the name of Fezzywig. Little bastard was giving them some info and bleeding their purses dry at the same time. But the captain was looking for some backup; seems that there was some sort of trouble happened over at Carthy's place.
When we all get there, you could feel that something was different right away. The smell of the sea was gone and the whole house looked darker. Harrimast's blessing had fallen from the place. Kemby heads out back and I take up a watch out front while the rest start heading through the house looking for clues. I only got me a glance inside, but it seemed that someone had tried to redecorate the place with the insides of the guards. From what I was hearing from the others, the rest of the house was the same; everything smashed or taken and signs of the cult of Yarash infecting the entire place. But it seemed that we had missed what happened and that Carthy was now sailing with Harrimast.
I was listening to Kemby try and catch one of them damn fancy birds when he starts screaming for help. At first I thought that the damn bird done bit him, but the crossbow bolt stickin' out of his back changed me mind pretty quick.
We all come running and we could see a pair of bow men coming out of hiding. One of them was balanced on the roof and was taking aim at Lucky. How that boy done end up on the roof so fast was a mystery to me; he must be part monkey. I sent some magic towards the other bowman and once it took hold Kemby separated the fools head from his body. 'Bout this time three more of these cultists come out of the bushes, throwing magic all around. The captains' new friend, OhGosh the ogre, started laying into them cultists, right up until he stopped moving. Seems that their magic is stronger than we expected. Kemby came running in to help OhGosh and I managed to roll around one of the bastards and give him a few nicks. I could see that Lucky had finished off the roof climber and we was circling around the spell-slingers when we hear someone ordering them back to the carriage. Some buzzard faced bastard was screaming that they had found Carthy and didn't need us, so they bolted for the coach. Them bastards is slippery; we gave them a few cuts on the way out, but they just refused to lay down and die. Soon as the last one touched the coach, it was away.
We started giving chase, but no man is going to outrun a coach. But then fortune smiled on us. Seemed that some young noble men had been out for a night on the town and forgotten to tie up their mounts. Five fast horses was standing just a breath away from us, all saddled and ready to go.
It seems that the chase was on...
Jee-to, quartermaster, Lady's Favour